Father’s Day Reflection

I’ve been seriously struggling with writer’s block the past couple weeks, which seems to always happen after I start a blog, but I’ve learned that sometimes the best thing to do is to write anyways. In honor of Father’s Day being yesterday, here’s a little shout out to my dad and step-dad, who are both pretty awesome.

From the time I can remember until around high school, I always considered my dad my best friend. Even though I’m not close with any of my parents, I’ve definitely always been closest to my dad. Growing up we bonded over our shared love of sports and laughter and I will never forget all the trips we took to my soccer tournaments. I loved those trips because they were the only times I got to spend some quality time with just my dad. Around my sophomore year of high school, my dad and I grew apart and things have never really been the same since, and we’re still navigating the uncharted waters of our new relationship. However, I wouldn’t change what we’ve been through for anything, because it has made me who I am today. So thanks to my dad for teaching me how to be super organized, allowing me to become independent as I got older, always pushing me to become the best I can be, and encouraging me to chase after my dreams, even if that means moving to Nashville.

My dad, taking one of his classic "selfies"

My dad, taking one of his classic “selfies”

My step-dad came in to my life shortly after my parents divorced, and my earliest memory of him is being at my mom’s friend’s house with my sister, hiding in a play tent from the “Tickle Monster” as our step-dad chased us around trying to tickle us. From the moment he came into our lives I’ve always seen him as another father figure. Over the years my independent and stubborn personality has caused us to butt heads more than once, but I love him just the same and appreciate the role he has played and continues to play in my life today. So thanks to my step-dad for all the rides to school and sporting events, loving my sister and I like we were your own, supporting my academic and athletic endeavors, and being willing to help me truck all my belongings to Nashville in a couple months.

My step-dad, sister, and I back in the day

My step-dad, sister, and I back in the day

While having divorced parents has sucked in a lot of ways, one of the best things I have gotten out of it is the opportunity to have two earthly fathers to love and help me grow into the person I am today. So thanks to my Heavenly Father, who used a crappy situation to give me two earthly dads that put my needs in front of their own. And thanks God for being an awesome Heavenly Father figure, who forgives me no matter how many times I mess up, loves me unconditionally, and set the perfect example for how I should treat those around me.

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